Friday, August 5, 2011

Ma Famille Ici!

To fill anyone in on what I have been doing since my return to the states from Frogland, suffice it to say that I have been exceedingly busy!  I returned home on Thursday, June the ninth.  On Saturday, June eleventh, I took one of my still unpacked suitcases and headed from Charlotte to Charlottesville.  There, I have spent the past eight weeks in a classroom for seven and a half hours a day from Monday to Friday learning Italian.  While I have no where near the fluency I have in French, I feel pretty confident that I know most all of the Italian grammar!
Ecco un corto metraggio che abbiamo fatto in classe e che ho messo su YouTube!  Non vi preocupate-- è un film d'orrore e deve farvi paura!
Today is actually "Graduation Day", but I asked for special permission to leave early.  For the past two weeks, my second host family, the Helous, have been touring the southeast states in the USofA.  I did not actually think that I would be able to see them because they had planned to pass through Charlotte the first through the third of August.  I begged them to come on a later date, because if I had missed even one day of classes, I would fail automatically. 
I spent last night at my dad's house in Radford, VA.  This morning at 7h45 my grandmother came to pick me up, and I drove three hours to Charlotte to  meet my family!  Both Andrea and Nicolas have ear infections, and without American insurance, the doctor's visit cost $150 per child and the prescription cost $138.  Che peccato!  After letting everyone know that, "Aux USA on se fait des câlins, pas les bises," we departed almost immediately for The Summer Duck Farm.

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