Monday, December 13, 2010

Le Livre des Coincidences

Today was a journee pedagogique, which means that I was liberated from school at noon. Normally, there are religious activities following the release of the students, but I do not know where to go to participate in them. So, Catherine picked me up from school early.
This past weekend while I translated for the Judo competition, the Helous went to visit family members in the south. I let Catherine use one of my suitcases. Unfortunately, The Secret, a book that I had planned to give to her for Christmas, was still in the pocket, and she saw it. On the bright side, she at least knows that she likes what she's getting.
This afternoon at lunch, we started talking about everything related to The Secret. I learned that Catherine really believes in the power of positive thinking and visualizing her goals. She added that she always gives thanks when something goes her way. On the other hand, she believes in fate. So if something goes opposite to the way she had planned, she feels that there is a reason behind it. She talked about how she does not sadden or anger easily because she acknowledges that there are always people in worse situations than she.
At the end of our talk, she lended me a book called The Book of Coincidences by Deepak Chopra. An example of a coincidence is thinking of someone you have not seen in a long time and him or her calling you shortly after.
Everything we discussed sounded so familiar. It all reflected either an act that I implement in my life, such as the power of positive thinking, or something that my mom believes and that we have discussed in-depth. It's comforting to know that Catherine relates at least a little bit more to the ideals of the background in which I was raised.

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