Friday, October 15, 2010

The Ants Go Marching One By One...

Field trip!
I woke up this morning with an upset stomach. :( Hoping it would pass, I went to school anyways. I was really excited because today we went to the town of Fourmies (a fourmi is an ant) on a field trip! The bus ride was two hours long to get there, and I actually fell asleep on the way. It wasn't awkward, though, because a lot of other people did, too.
In Fourmies the bus drove through the town as a man from the museum guided us and told us of the town's industrial history. We then toured the textile museum.
After lunch we got back on the bus and watched the first half of the movie "Around the World in 80 Days" while we drove to the next town. There, we had another tour of a smaller museum where we learned about Godin and his town. We were planning on staying longer than we did, but there were traffic jams or something of the sort, so we left early. We finished the movie on the bus ride back to school, but I fell asleep again, so I don't really know what happened.
I'm still not feeling very well, but we had yummy carrot soup for dinner, so I'm hoping that will help my stomach a bit.

1 comment:

  1. I have SKYPE. Send me your SKYPE name so we can tele chat.

