Monday, October 4, 2010


Today was my first day of ECJS. Usually, we are supposed to have the class every other week, but the weeks we were supposed to have it before, it just was postponed.
When I entered the classroom, the teacher made us wait to sit down, then told us to arrange ourselves into groups of six. I was automatically heading to be in a group with Marie and Yamina when another girl named Marie in my class asked me to be in her group. This group consisted of Marie, Romaine, Corentin, Camille, Sophie, and me. We didn't really do anything in our group but discuss a little bit; nevertheless, it was fun to be in a different group to get to know some of my other classmates better!
So ECJS stands for Education Civique Juridique Sociale (Civic, Legal, and Social Education). I was originally told that we would learn how to become good French citizens in the class, but that's not really what we're doing. Instead, we will have three points of focus in the class this year.
The first point, which we started today, is Sects. Apparently the French definition of sects is more like the American definition of cults. The next point is the rules clearly defined by the law and work of students and of teachers. The final point is the roles of parents and grandparents.
The group into which I was assimilated today is not necessarily my group the rest of the year. Mme. DeGroote told us that our groups would be chosen at random by her. I think she is literally going to pick names out of a hat. That will be interesting, but I love the anticipation for knowing who is in my group.
Oh, and by the way, I got a fourteen out of twenty on my quiz in Francais today!

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