Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Almost Course

This is the second week that my bus stop buddy has not been at the corner. I miss her and hope that nothing has happened.
I went to school for nothing. Everyone in my grade and the grade below me was supposed to run around two kilometers for some national once-a-year sports requirement. Since we were so numerous, we would have run at the soccer stadium in the center of town. However, like always, there was a strike going on.
When I got to school, all of the girls were herded like sheep into the gymnasium where we all changed into sweats. Once we had all gotten out of our school clothes, a teacher came in, told us that the run was cancelled, and made us put our clothes back on before we went back into the main school courtyard. Since no one had planned on the strike, everything from there was all mumbo-jumbo.
Normally, my class would have had English the first hour, so my homeroom teacher rounded us up in our normal classroom where we waited for the English teacher to arrive. While we were waiting, Mme. DeGroote had her three-year-old son with her, and he talked to us a little bit. Mme. DeGroote told him that we could all sing a song together and told him to ask us if we liked the same music that he liked. Of course, being three, he responded by asking us, "Do you like the same music that I like?" It was the cutest thing ever! In the end we discovered that he likes Black Eyed Peas and Lady Gaga, but we didn't have time to sing because Mme. Meilan our English teacher arrived then. For the rest of the class, we played hangman with English words.
The next hour we had Perm, but for some happy reason, we did not have to be silent. The final hour, we all went again into the gymnasium. Usually, if we don't have a class last hour, we can leave campus, but apparently the strike was too "dangerous" for us to leave. The sports coaches provided us with equipment, but only the boys really played any games.
At least the whole day wasn't a total waste because when I arrived home, I had a care package waiting for me from Dad! Thank you!

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