Saturday, October 2, 2010

Les Manifestations

Today, after double-hour Political Science and double-hour Economy, Sabine, Heloise, and I went shopping in Lille.
One aspect of life in France that is almost impossible to find in the southern states of America, is the "greve" (strike). There have been at least three "manifestations" since I have lived here. The thing about these strikes that makes me laugh is the fact that it is pre-planned more than a month in advance. I don't quite see the point of striking if there is no surprise factor, but the protestors did manage to create quite a few traffic jams. The strikes are not just local, but national. I heard on the news tonight that there were over 890,000 workers who filled the streets today across France.
Neither the heavy gray clouds looming ominously overhead nor the potentially violent protestors hampered our moods. Our shopping spree went on despite the barriers! At the end of the day, though, Heloise had purchased one sweatshirt, and I went home empty-handed. I think that I have decided that I like to go shopping, but I don't like buying. I don't even know if that makes any sense.
For dinner we all went over to Christophe's mother's home and ate crepes. Heloise's ten year old boy cousin Heremy was there, too. He is as cute as a button! He smiles all of the time and has the most adorable giggle. After dinner Heremy, Heloise, and I played a game of Who Wants to be a Millionaire on a DVD game that the grandmother had. I won the million dollar question! Thank you, Lady! It was "Who was the singer who made the 1958 song Fever a hit?" Before the first possible response popped up on the screen, I shouted, "Peggy Lee!" Then, of course, the first answer that showed was Peggy Lee, and we won!

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