Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Am Sterdam

We all left Lens in a tour bus yesterday morning at 7h00. At noonish all forty of us Rotarians arrived in Amsterdam.

After a steak lunch, we sat back in the bus and drove around town, stopping specifically to see the HLMs (habitation a loyer modere/ subsidized housing) that are apparently the nicest in the world. They were really funky, though, at the same time!

Afterwords we had a little time to shop and walk around before going to the hotel. Without asking for anything, I ended up with a beautiful silk scarf and hoop earrings!

True fact: Only 10% of Amsterdam residents own a car. As evidenced by the millions of bicycles (many abandoned) covering every inch of the sidewalk, they have other means of transportation.

I didn't really know what to expect at the hotel, and as it turns out, I had a room all to myself!

After dinner, we toured the Red Lights District. Yes, I, the innocent, naive, however else you wish to classify me, sixteen year-old, American girl, walked around the prostitution and drug neighborhood. I, for some reason or another, have become a very empathetical person this year. However, I must say that I'm so glad I do not literally have to put myself in the shoes of the girls I saw last night. I could not help but feel a mixture of sadness, pity, disgust, embarassment, regret, and shame when I was there. Even looking back, I cannot decide whether I want to throw up or cry. (If anger were in my repetoire of emotions, I'm sure it would have also been a major factor.)

I am not ashamed to say that once the Rotarian lady next to me took my arm for safety and reassurance (more for my behalf than hers, I'm sure), I stayed attatched to her like a leech until we returned to the bus to go back to the hotel.

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