Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Io vado a Roma! Io vado a Roma! Io vado a-Uh Oh!

I spent the night last night with the Helous. Catherine woke me around six this morning, and twenty minutes later, we left for Paris! I received the world's best bear-hug two hours later from my Grammy! Our flight to rome was supposed to leave at 3h25, so we went ahead to the airport to catch the metro to go into Paris for an hour or so beforehand. We got lost on the bus system, and then I realized that I did not have my passport! I immediately freaked out; then I calmed down because I figured that Italy was part of the Schengen area, and I wouldn't need it because there would be no border control. We went ahead and went to the gate, though, because by this time, we would not have enough time to enjoy Paris. It was a good thing, too, because I discovered that I actually did need that passport that I had left on my dresser in the Nord-Pas-De-Calais. They would not accept my driver's permit as a identification. I started re-freaking out! Luckily, I had a photocopy of my passport in my wallet! (Thank you, annoying visa process!) They just barely let me through, but I made it! After a two hour flight, we arrived in ROMA, ITALIA!

Once we stepped off the train, it took us about 40 minutes to find our hotel whereas it should have taken only four! After eating a very Italian dinner of oatmeal, Fig Newtons, and Nutter Butters, we hit the night streets! We walked straight down Via Cavour to the Forum. We then spent the next three hours searching for a McDonalds. No, I do not approve of eating there, but the concierge at the hotel tipped us off (he looked around before whispering) that it had free wi-fi.
It was an adventure! We passed Vittoriano (Victor Emmanuel) and the Piazza Venezia, the Pantheon, and the Trevi Fountain!
I have decided that I will live in Italy when I grow up! The weather is fabulous, the temperature is perfect, and I want to learn the language so badly! Plus, everything everywhere is so old and gorgeous!

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