Monday, February 7, 2011

Field Trip to Paris!

My Political-Science class took a field trip today to Paris! We arrived at the Pantheon around 10h30 when we took an hour and a half tour of the church turned crypt. In the center of the main floor of the Pantheon hangs Foucault's pendulum. I remember studying that in seventh grade science class with Mrs. Lee!
I love the Parisian architecture!
It was amazingly warmer outside than in the Pantheon! The sky was blue; the sun shone. It was a perfect day to be in Paris! I do not know why, but the French trust students much more than in the US, and they give them much more freedom. We had two hours for lunch during which we could go anywhere and do anything except take the Metro.
After eating, Yamina and I crossed the street to enter the Law University. I walked purposefully, not attracting any attention, climbing staircases at random and walking towards nothing in particular. I really wanted to sit in the back of a class, so I entered a random classroom, pushing Yamina in front of me to sit down in a chair. It was only after three minutes that we realized that the subject had ended and the students were leaving the room instead of entering.
When we rejoined the group, we all rode over in the bus to the National Assembly. I almost expected to sit in an open session of the French version of Congress. I was mildly disappointed when we just took a mini tour with a guide who spoke in a soft, barely audible voice. I at least had time to enjoy more of the amazing architecture and artwork that seems so abundant in Paris.
In the bus-ride back to school, Matine and Louise, sitting behind me, sang along to French and English songs, providing me with three hours of entertainment without my iPod. Beside me, Yamina decided to massage Nicolas who sat in front of her. That's not really a typical activity that takes place during American bus-rides, so maybe it's a foreign thing.

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