Saturday, February 5, 2011

Moving, Moms, and Miscommunications

We went out to eat this morning in an American-style restaurant after school. Surprisingly, it really did have the feel of a country, western steak-house. I liked it because I got colored pencils to fill in the games on my menu.
I finally finished packing all of my stuff into eight bags. Right before I left, Catherine gave me a makeup bag from Helen (the lady who wanted to marry me off to the son she doesn't have) and some sweet smelling Nina Ricci perfume.
It's a big joke to us that I am Hugue Polveche's favorite amongst the Rotary kids. I think Michael feels left out that Hugues accompanies me when I change families, but no one checks in on Michael. Hugues had called me earlier, telling me that he would arrive late, around 18h30. I just assumed that he meant that he would meet me at my next host family's house, but when he had not arrived an hour later, Michael announced that it was clear that Hugues no longer liked me. As it turns out, Hugues had waited for twenty minutes under the rain at the Helou's house. Oopsie daisy!
My new host family includes Nadine and Phillipe, the parents, Mathilde, my ten year-old host sister, and Pierre, who is in my class at school. All of my friends have been asking me to take a picture of him in his sleep and post in on Facebook. Harumph! Pierre is a guy, which means that he pretty much looks the same in the morning as he does in the middle of the day. I on the other hand, wear makeup and look radically different wihout it, with my hair knotted in every direction. No, in order for him not to retaliate, I will just have to disappoint my friends.
My new host sister is absolutively-posilutey adorable! Since Philippe and Pierre were at a Lens football (soccer)game when I arrived, she showed me around, helped me unpack, and gave me a super friendly welcome. It's so cute because she's so excited to have an older sister!
I love my new room! My two previous host families have both apologized for giving me boys' rooms. Of course, that does not bother me one bit! I'm just glad that I have a place to sleep. This room however is a guest room converted into my room. Nadine just recently painted it light purple, with a pretty leaf design on part of the wall. It has a full-length mirrror, a purple polka-dotted bedspread, and a small, detached office-space in front where I can do my homework! All of it just screams my name!

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