Thursday, April 14, 2011


I went to school at noon today to go over the acro-gym performance for this afternoon. We went over it a few times, and Cloé and Florine finally figured out how to descend and get me out of my split in the air without me landing on my head (remember that?). Now, they kneel back down, and I more or less slide down into a split on the floor. After English we discovered that we still had one figure to add. We started freaking out, but we managed to squeeze it in at the end.
Mr. Meurice told us we had six minutes left to rehearse. We went on the main mat/stage to practice with the entire space. Our run through went really well until the split. Going up was iffy because half way into the lift, Cloé announced that she didn't have a good hold on me and my foot almost slipped off her shoulder. The rest went fine until the descent. I have no idea what happened, but all of a sudden we all heard, even over the music and noise of the gym, a nasty knuckle cracking sound that came from my upper thigh. I was so bummed not to be able to perform, especially getting injured three minutes beforehand! I did still wow everyone with my wicked Pledge of Allegiance, but I couldn't even dance the salsa!

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