Saturday, April 30, 2011


This morning I went to the marché in Arras with Pascaline. I love going to marchés! Atthis one, not only did they sell everything from clothes to live chickens and geese but they also had a man walking around dressed up like a condom! I would hate to have his job.
For lunch I tried cheval for the first time. No, it's not some super exotic dish that can only be found in France. It's just unheard of that anyone would eat a horse in the US. However, I had never tried any, so I specially requested it. If you're already completely repulsed right now,I probably shouldn't tell you that it was delicious.
This afternoon, I went to the zoo in Lille! I didn't even know there was a zoo in Lille! It was small, but it had a pretty good collection of animals. As soon as I saw the Kookabura, I had his song stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Watching the apes made me want to go and live like Jane Goodall, immersed in the chimp culture in Africa. When we got to the general Africa area, we saw zebras, antelope, and a peacock who opened his feathers with a shiver and strutted right in front of us!

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