Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thwarting The Ortie....Or Not

I took Deby on another walk this afternoon.  I still let her lead the way, but I made her turn a few more times, so that we took a more scenic route than yesterday.  She led me through a pasture behind somebody's house, which I wasn't too happy about, so I led her through a field that was far away from everyone else.  I wanted to use the field as a cut-through, but when we got to the opposite side, I saw that there was a fence blocking our way, so we had to turn back from where we came. 
Today, for the first time in my entire life, I wore tennis shoes without socks.  I think the French are getting to me, although it that look is equally as unfashionable as with socks, in my opinion.  Anyways, because I wasn't wearing socks, I noticed immediately that my foot had brushed Ortie.  I had no clue what ortie was before coming to France, but when I returned home this afternoon, and explained to Catherine, she told me that it's apparently very good for the circulation.  I personaly don't care about my circulation.  I do know that as soon as my foot brushed that ortie stuff, it felt like I had stepped through poison-filled needles.  When I bent down to pick out the needles, nothing was there!  I rubbed my foot to make the pain go away, and I slowly saw the top of my foot begin to get red.  It soon developped twenty or so white bumps among the redness. 
It's just my luck that as soon as I go awhile without getting sick, I step in Ortie. 

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