Thursday, April 21, 2011

When Life Gives You Lemons...Dye Your Hair

I spent a few hours this afternoon bathing in the sun.  I decided not to take Deby for a walk, even though she loves it, because I'm still pouting about the Ortie incident from yesterday.  My foot now has plenty of red bumps everywhere.  It's digusting.
Around 16h00 Andrea came outside, and we decided to lemon-juice our hair.  I looked up how to do it online, but we ended up adding a whole mess of junk in it.  It reminded me of making "perfume" with Taylor, my younger brother, when we were little. 
In the first batch, we put in lemon juice, a bit of lemon pulp, honey, and citrus olive oil.  I drenched my hair in it.  When it dried, it stuck out in all different directions. I felt like the bride of Frankenstein, and Andrea commented that it looked like we had dreadlocks.  Andrea made the second batch with the leftover lemon juice, pressed oranges (I don't know if that did anything), honey, citrus olive oil, and a capful of oxygenized water (I later realized that this is hydrogen peroxided-I then freaked out because I don't want to look trampy-blonde!). 
After dinner, we mashed up an avocado, put in a natural yogurt, and added a few tablespoons of honey, and then slapped that onto our faces.  We looked lovely, and if I had not added the pound of conditioner to my hair earlier, I would have definitely passed for Frankenstein then!

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