Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Walking Aimlessly in a Roundabout Manner

I took Deby, the Helou's dog, for a walk today.  I figured that that would be fine for my leg (see torn hamstring) since Deby seems like a calm enough dog, and I wouldn't be running, anyways.  I quickly learned that she is a puller.  Since, I don't really know my way around Vimy that well (it was too cold and wet when I was here last), I decided to let Deby lead the way, and I would follow.  We knocked over a trashcan along the way, but since I'm an exchange student, I don't get embarassed that easily anymore, even though plenty of people saw it and laughed at me. 
Since I let Deby lead, she took me to heaven-knows-where, and I was completely lost.  I still trusted her, and in the end, I realized that we had made a complete circle!  I'm sure she had probably gone on that walk before, but if not, I'm seriously impressed!

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