Friday, September 17, 2010

Are there Christians in the US?

French, Science, double hour Economy, Spanish, and double-hour History made up today.
Highlight number one of today: Nawel came up to me at lunch and said, "I recognized you by your ear." (She was referring to the one without the eartag.)
Highlight number two: While inspecting Nawel's ruler (it had cool circle designs on it), Pauline told me, "This is what we use to hit people," to which Nawel responded, "Have you ever seen a ruler before?"
Highlight number three: I realized the classroom in which I take French has lilac colored walls.
Highlight number four: My Spanish teacher asked me if Spanish was my second language or if I spoke it at home.
Highlight number five: Talking about Pastorale with Marie and her friends, Marie asked, "Are there Christians in America?" I said that there were and that I was a Protestant (no one knows any thing about Protestants other than the fact that they're not Catholic) and she then asked, "Are Protestants Christian?"

1 comment:

  1. Did you correct Nawel and tell her it's not a skin tag but a wishing spot? Only the most special have wishing spots:-)

    Hard to believe they do not know about relegious freedoms in America and the founding of this nation. They gave us a statue for our liberties you know.

