Monday, September 20, 2010

The Evaluation

This morning I had my first test. Technically it was an examination since tests are given during the four-hour DS period on Thursday mornings, but since this took up an entire hour of class time and involved extensive writing, I'll just call it a test. It wasn't that bad for a first examination. All it was was an extract from a book that we had to read and analyze, taking into account the information that we had learned from History class. Happily, I understood every single word from the text, and I feel like I did relatively well, even if I did write less than half as much as the others.
Next, in English, there was a quiz. Apparently, I don't have to take the quizzes in English class since I'm an exchange student. This seemed a little odd to me, seeing that I had just come from taking a test. Hey, who am I to complain? It was just as well because I hadn't studied, and when I saw the quiz, there would have been two words that I would not have been able to translate. (I knew what they meant, I just didn't know the corresponding vocabulary words.) Oopse!
Amazingly, I understood Math today! Then Economy and History passed as usual.
Since I don't have class the last hour on Mondays, I sat outside in front of a pharmacy (the benches were taken) with Yamina and we did the majority of our homework. She definately helped shorten two hours into thirty minutes (without giving me the answers). Thank you!

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