Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Completely Uneducational School Day

I didn't really get the chance to speak to my bus stop buddy this morning. She was still in E. Leclerc when I got to the stop. When she did come out of the store, she set her bags down and told me to put them inside the door to the hair dresser's if the bus came because she had forgotten to pick up her medication.
Of course, the bus did come while she was in the store. Thankfully, there were three other people standing in front of me to get on the bus, so I ran and deposited her bags in the salon and ran back quickly to get onto the bus. Once I was on, it started rolling, but the bus driver saw my bus-stop-buddy and put on the breaks. She was only half-way across the parking lot, so I told the driver to wait, jumped off the bus, ran back to the salon to the confused hair dresser with the bags in her hands, and back to the bus, where I gave the shopping bags to the old lady, who, by this time, had arrived at the bus.
English class was cancelled, so guess what? I had an hour of Perm! Yay! It wasn't too bad, though. I passed notes with Florine and her friend Cloe the whole time.
I can't believe that I actually got up to go to school for two hours of table tennis. That's the most rediculous thing in the world!
I've come to the conclusion that I like riding the bus. You know how a few weeks ago when I was having my bad day, I tried to sit in the back of the bus, but the seats were "reserved"? Earlier this week, in the front of the bus, Yamina and I sat across from two middle-schoolers. Yamina just so happened to ask them to maybe save us some seats every day. The following day, Heloise and her friend saved us seats across from them. Today, the two girls from the first day actually did save us seats! I was so excited! How nice of them, and how convenient for us! Unfortunately, Yamina was really late getting on the bus, so her seat went to a girl named Gloria.

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